Spanning twenty years, "Light Switch" follows the story of Henry, an autistic gay man with a passion for 19th century British literature, and his quest for love and acceptance.
This is the Chicago premiere of this delightful and thought provoking comedy. LIGHT SWITCH is by Dave Osmundsen, an autistic gay writer and is directed by Michael D. Graham.
The cast includes (clockwise from Top Left) Henry DelBello, Hilary Hensler, and Peter Manuel Young, Phillip Andrew Monnett, and Dylan McCumber,
Tickets for seniors are $20, general admission is $25 and you should purchase your tickets directly from Open Space Arts here.
Contact us:
Chicago PrimeTimers5555 N Sheridan Rd #812Chicago, IL
Chicago PrimeTimers5555 N Sheridan Rd #812Chicago, IL 60640-1622